Learning to play Hearthstone, with DATA!

I've recently started to play Hearthstone, and I'm absolutely awful. I usually lose two or three matches for each one that I win, including some really frustrating closes loses (usually my own fault). In an attempt to get better I noticed that Blizzard posted the deck lists from the World Championships at BlizzCon. In the comments Yriii collected a data file on all of the decks and made a really cool Tableau dashboard (go check it out, it is awesome). Inspired by his efforts and wanting to up my own game I downloaded the data and decided to do some quick network analysis and visualization with R, igraph and ggplot2.

Basically I want to see how the pros play and how their decks relate both to each other and their win rate.

First up is reading the data into R for analysis, which is easily done with some base commands.

hearth <- read.csv('Card_Scatterplot_data.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##   Card.Rarity               Card Deck.Count          Card.Name Mana
## 1      Common Druid of the Saber         10 Druid of the Saber    2
## 2      Common Druid of the Saber         10 Druid of the Saber    2
## 3      Common        Leper Gnome         10        Leper Gnome    1
## 4      Common        Leper Gnome         10        Leper Gnome    1
## 5      Common Refreshment Vendor         40 Refreshment Vendor    4
## 6      Common  Druid of the Claw          4  Druid of the Claw    5
##   Deck.Class Deck.Id                            Event Player.Name Rarity
## 1      druid      10 2015 Blizzcon World Championship        nias Common
## 2      druid      10 2015 Blizzcon World Championship        nias Common
## 3      druid      10 2015 Blizzcon World Championship        nias Common
## 4      druid      10 2015 Blizzcon World Championship        nias Common
## 5      druid      40 2015 Blizzcon World Championship      lovecx Common
## 6      druid       4 2015 Blizzcon World Championship     hotform Common
##   Card.Type
## 1    Minion
## 2    Minion
## 3    Minion
## 4    Minion
## 5    Minion
## 6    Minion

We've got data about cards and players mixed together, so for clarity let's break it out into two separate files. First up are the cards, let's take a look at the mana curve and rarities for all of the championship decks.

card.ref <- unique(hearth[,c('Card', 'Mana', 'Rarity', 'Card.Type')])
ggplot(card.ref, aes(x = Mana, fill = Rarity)) + geom_bar(binwidth=1, origin = -0.5, color='black') + scale_x_continuous(breaks=0:20) 

One and two mana cards are the most common with a fairly smooth taper off towards 10. Let's also take a look at the relative mana distributions across players and classes. For this we'll need a violin plot, where the y-axis shows the distribution of mana in the deck and the width of the figure represents how many cards in the deck have that value.

ggplot(hearth, aes(x = Deck.Class, y = Mana, fill= Deck.Class)) + geom_violin() + facet_grid(Player.Name ~ .) + xlab('Deck Class') + guides(fill=FALSE)

Looks like hunters tend to bring out a lot more low cost cards while druids come into play a little later.

For players let's summarize what decks they have and their total mana cost across all three decks. Additionally we can fold in data about where each participant is from and their total wins from the Team Liquid Wiki.


## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
##     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
##     summarize
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

hearth$player.combo <- paste(hearth$Player.Name, hearth$Deck.Class, sep=',')
player.ref <- ddply(hearth, c('player.combo'), summarize, 
      total.mana = sum(Mana),
      player.name = max(Player.Name),
      decks = paste(unique(Deck.Class), collapse=','))

player.details <- data.frame(player.name = unique(player.ref$player.name),
                             wins= c(7, 13, 6, 9, 10, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 15, 9, 5, 11, 8),
                             location = c('CN', 'NA', 'NA', 'AP', 'AP', 'EU', 'CN', 'AP', 'EU', 'NA', 'CN', 'EU', 'AP', 'NA', 'EU', 'CN') )
player.ref<-left_join(player.ref, player.details)

## Joining by: "player.name"

ggplot(player.ref, aes(x=location, y=wins)) + geom_boxplot()

An EU player won the tournament so their distribution as the highest ceiling, it is also interesting how clustered all the players from the Asia-Pacific region are in performance.

The fun thing about decks is that each card doesn't operate independently. Combos and other strategies often depend on chains of cards being in the deck at the same time. Most statistical measures consider each case as independent, so each card in a deck is a stand alone case. However graph/network analysis focuses on the relationship between different objects. This allows us to look at what pairings, triads or larger grouping of cards are found together in a deck.

Network analysis needs two things, an edge list which lists all of the relationships and a node list that lists all of the objects. This network is going to be a bimodal network, it will have two types of nodes, players and cards. If a player has used a card in their deck they will be linked. Both edges (relationships) and nodes (cards or people) have attributes which are attached to them. Cards will have their mana count as an example. Let's build the network!


## Attaching package: 'igraph'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     %>%, as_data_frame, groups, union
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     decompose, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     union

hearth.edge <- hearth[,c('Card', 'player.combo')] #grab the data for the edges
hearth.net <- graph.data.frame(hearth.edge) #make a basic network
hearth.nl <- get.data.frame(hearth.net, what='vertices') #get a list of all the nodes
hearth.nl <- left_join(hearth.nl, card.ref, by=c('name' = 'Card')) #attach card info
hearth.nl <- left_join(hearth.nl, player.ref, by=c('name' = 'player.combo')) #attach player info
hearth.nl$type <- ifelse(is.na(hearth.nl$Rarity)==TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) #Flag if a node represents a player or card
hearth.net <- graph.data.frame(hearth.edge, vertices=hearth.nl, directed=FALSE) #rebuild the network
l <- layout_nicely(hearth.net)
plot(hearth.net, vertex.color= V(hearth.net)$type, vertex.size = 4, vertex.label=ifelse(V(hearth.net)$type==TRUE, V(hearth.net)$name, NA), vertex.label.family='Helvetica', vertex.label.color='black', layout=l) #visualize

I know this looks like crap, updated plot coming soon!

Currently there are multiple edges connecting some nodes. So if there is a card that appears two of a player's three decks the card edge will be linked by two edges. For simplicity these muti-edges can be collapsed into one with an attribute called weight. Therefore the two edges from beforehand are collapsed into one with a weight value of 2.

E(hearth.net)$weight <- 1
hearth.w.net <- simplify(hearth.net, edge.attr.comb = 'sum')

plot(hearth.w.net, vertex.color= V(hearth.w.net)$type, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label=NA, edge.color=ifelse(E(hearth.w.net)$weight>1, 'red', 'black'), layout=l)

Let's transform the bipartite network into two other ones. The first only consists of cards, each edge between two cards means that they are in the same deck. The other is only players, with edges showing how many cards their decks have in common.

hearth.proj <- bipartite_projection(hearth.net)
card.net <- hearth.proj[[1]]
player.net <- hearth.proj[[2]]
l.c <- layout_nicely(card.net)
#Card Network
plot(card.net, vertex.label=NA, vertex.color=factor(V(card.net)$Rarity), vertex.size=3, layout=l)

l.p <- layout_nicely(player.net)
plot(player.net, vertex.size=3, layout=l.p)
#Player Network

First up is the card deck. Let's compute some network centrality measures. Centrality refers to the position of a given node (card) within the network. There are a couple different centrality measures. Closeness centrality is the "Kevin Bacon" card of the tournament. Like the seven degrees of Kevin Bacon the card with the highest closeness centrality can "hop" along edges to get to any of the other cards quickly. The card with the highest closeness centrality is therefore at the intersection of a lot of different decks.

Betweenness captures if a card is on the shortest path between two other cards. So if a card is part of a lot of multi-card combos or tends to appear with multiple other cards in a deck it should have high betweenness.

Eigenvector centrality is a measure of the 'prestige' of a card. If card is connected to a lot of other cards which are also well connected it will have higher eigenvector centrality. Pagerank, Google's search algorithm is a cousin of this measure. Google scores a page high if it is linked too by other pages with a lot of links. Eigenvector centrality will score a card high if it appears it decks alongside other popular cards.

card.close <- sort(closeness(card.net, normalized= TRUE))
card.btwn <- sort(betweenness(card.net, normalized= TRUE))
card.egn <- sort(evcent(card.net)$vector)


##          Bear Trap  Mind Control Tech Refreshment Vendor 
##          0.3441227          0.3458904          0.3500867 
##        Alexstrasza            Loatheb           Dr. Boom 
##          0.3513043          0.3550088          0.4089069


## Southsea Deckhand       Alexstrasza      Blood Knight      Cone of Cold 
##        0.06545342        0.07215199        0.08824178        0.09118004 
##           Loatheb          Dr. Boom 
##        0.16108166        0.38000917


##               Swipe           Innervate     Ancient of Lore 
##           0.8198673           0.8198673           0.8198673 
## Keeper of the Grove     Force of Nature    Piloted Shredder 
##           0.8198673           0.8198673           1.0000000

So for closeness, Dr. Boom, Loatheb and Alexstrasza are the most "Kevin Bacon" like of the cards in the championship deck. They may not be the most popular but they are connected to a lot of different parts of the card network so you can get from one to any other part easily.

Betweenness sees Dr. Boom, Loatheb and the Cone of Cold as the cards which bridge otherwise unconnected parts of the network. So if you had two distinct decks these would be the most likely ones to overlap. This makes sense as these are neutral cards that activate in conjunction with others, so they can be paired with a large variety of decks.

Eigenvector shows the Piloted Shredder, Innvervate and Force of Nature, these are the most "prestigious" cards, the ones that are most likely to be picked alongside other really popular cards. Clearly these were popular choices at the tournament. This is probably due to the high number of druids in play.

Given that these players are some of the best in the world I was also interested in how much their decks differed from each others. Do all of the members of the tournament follow similar strategies or do some innovate? Also does one path lead to more victories?

One way to count how similar the decks are is to see how many cards overlap between two players. But this doesn't take into account that cards are non independent. Two decks may share a card but use it totally different ways. Given that we've already got a card network I looked at some of the network literature and came across this paper by Brian Uzzi. Basically it details a methods of how to determine how conventional or unconventional a pairing is in a network.

As an example the Murloc Knight and Shielded Minibot cards appear together six times. This may seem like a lot but it is also important to consider their relative popularity. How can we say that their rate of co-occurrence is more or less than what we'd expect by chance? One way is to consider some alternate realities. Each card in the network has a degree score, which is the total number of connections it has in the network, in other words it's relative popularity. Let's look at the Murloc Knight as an example.

mk <- make_ego_graph(card.net, 1, nodes='Murloc Knight')[[1]]
plot(mk, vertex.color=ifelse(V(mk)$name=='Murloc Knight', 'red', 'dodger blue'))


##          from               to weight
## 1 Zombie Chow     Ironbeak Owl      4
## 2 Zombie Chow Piloted Shredder     10
## 3 Zombie Chow  Antique Healbot      1
## 4 Zombie Chow Shielded Minibot      8
## 5 Zombie Chow    Murloc Knight      3
## 6 Zombie Chow  Big Game Hunter      2

graph.strength(mk)['Murloc Knight']

## Murloc Knight 
##            85

mk.el <- get.data.frame(mk)
mk.el.sub<-subset(mk.el, from=='Murloc Knight' | to=='Murloc Knight')

##                 from              to weight
## 5        Zombie Chow   Murloc Knight      3
## 27      Ironbeak Owl   Murloc Knight      3
## 48  Piloted Shredder   Murloc Knight      6
## 68   Antique Healbot   Murloc Knight      2
## 85  Shielded Minibot   Murloc Knight      6
## 104    Murloc Knight Big Game Hunter      3

So our Knight has a total of 85 connections distributed throughout the network, two ties to the Antique Healbot but six co-occurrences with the Piloted Shredder. With this data we can imagine an alternative reality where these weights are different, let's say that there are six ties with the Healbot but only one with the Shredder. Or three and four. Either scenario preserves the total of seven (in this case) but creates different patterns of connection. By shuffling the connections within the card network a few hundred times we can quickly create a bunch of alternative universes which we can then compare reality to.

If a card's pairings are basically random then there shouldn't be much difference between the random alternative realities and the actual data. However if two cards are chosen together more often than chance the actual weight that we see will be a lot higher than the average of the weights across all of the alternatives we created. Similarly if two cards tend not to be chosen together their co-occurrence will be lower. These differences can be captured in a simple statistic called the z-score, which basically tells us how much higher or lower the scores from reality are then the average of the all the simulated scores.

A positive z-score means that a pairing is more conventional, negative more unconventional. By considering all of the card pairs that a player has chosen across their decks it is possible to see who was more conventional or different overall within the tournament.


## Loading required package: survival
## tnet: Analysis of Weighted, Two-mode, and Longitudinal networks.
## Type ?tnet for help.

net <- cbind(get.edgelist(card.net, names=FALSE), E(card.net)$weight) #extract card pairing and weight
net <- symmetrise_w(net) #get ready
net <- as.tnet(net, type="weighted one-mode tnet")

shuffle <- function(network, seed){
  net2 <- rg_reshuffling_w(network, option="weights.local", seed=seed, directed=FALSE) #create alternative realities
  ed <- net2$w #extract data
x1 <- runif(1000, 1, 100000) #do it 1,000 times
graph.grid.d<-ldply(x1, function(x1) shuffle(net,x1)) #glom all the results together
graph.grid.t<-as.data.frame(t(graph.grid.d)) #clean up
names(graph.grid.t)<-paste('n',1:ncol(graph.grid.t), sep='') #name

n0<-get.data.frame(card.net, what='edges') #grab data again

##                 from                 to weight
## 1 Druid of the Saber        Leper Gnome      4
## 2 Druid of the Saber  Druid of the Claw      4
## 3 Druid of the Saber   Piloted Shredder      4
## 4 Druid of the Saber Shade of Naxxramas      4
## 5 Druid of the Saber    Ancient of Lore      4
## 6 Druid of the Saber Emperor Thaurissan      2

graph.grid.top<-graph.grid.t[(1:nrow(n0)),] #grab the matching data (shuffle creates two entries for each pair but igraph just needs one.)
gg.fin<-cbind(n0, graph.grid.top) #stick it all together

gg.fin$simmean<-apply(gg.fin[4:ncol(gg.fin)],1,mean) #mean of simulations
gg.fin$simsd<-apply(gg.fin[4:ncol(gg.fin)],1,sd) # SD of sims
gg.fin$zs<-(gg.fin$weight-gg.fin$simmean)/gg.fin$simsd #Z-score

gg.trim <- gg.fin[, c('to','from','weight','zs')] #put it all together neatly

##                   to               from weight         zs
## 1        Leper Gnome Druid of the Saber      4  0.4084864
## 2  Druid of the Claw Druid of the Saber      4  0.3692745
## 3   Piloted Shredder Druid of the Saber      4  0.3933630
## 4 Shade of Naxxramas Druid of the Saber      4  0.3831305
## 5    Ancient of Lore Druid of the Saber      4  0.4134733
## 6 Emperor Thaurissan Druid of the Saber      2 -2.5098347

z.net <- graph.data.frame(gg.trim, directed=FALSE) #rebuild the network,
combo.net <- hearth.net + z.net #add it back to og network, links players with cards
player.ref$convention <- sapply(player.ref$player.combo, function(x) sum(E(make_ego_graph(combo.net, 1, x)[[1]])$zs, na.rm=TRUE)) #get convetnionality score for each deck.


## Please cite as: 
##  Hlavac, Marek (2015). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables.
##  R package version 5.2. http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stargazer

stargazer(arrange(player.ref[,c('player.combo', 'total.mana', 'convention')], convention), type='html', summary=FALSE)
player.combo total.mana convention
1 lifecoach,warlock 170 -74.285
2 diemeng,shaman 63 -45.202
3 thijs,priest 104 25.332
4 pinpingho,shaman 100 129.144
5 neilyo,warrior 120 139.214
6 lifecoach,warrior 114 159.159
7 hotform,mage 92 188.359
8 jab,mage 87 315.386
9 thijs,warrior 81 352.817
10 diemeng,hunter 58 353.022
11 kranich,warlock 95 367.533
12 lovecx,warlock 88 369.054
13 ostkaka,rogue 86 426.239
14 hotform,rogue 86 440.618
15 zoro,hunter 65 441.553
16 purple,rogue 88 497.514
17 ostkaka,warrior 88 513.919
18 notomorrow,hunter 67 578.952
19 kno,warlock 89 597.674
20 lovecx,paladin 118 608.781
21 kno,paladin 119 611.119
22 nias,hunter 80 809.899
23 diemeng,paladin 82 868.611
24 thijs,mage 102 944.999
25 ostkaka,mage 103 948.882
26 purple,mage 108 948.882
27 jab,hunter 88 968.730
28 neirea,mage 111 970.598
29 nias,mage 111 970.598
30 pinpingho,hunter 90 972.104
31 kranich,hunter 86 990.616
32 neilyo,hunter 90 1,002.582
33 zoro,paladin 84 1,035.753
34 neilyo,paladin 92 1,040.213
35 neirea,paladin 95 1,041.619
36 notomorrow,paladin 86 1,045.557
37 nias,druid 105 2,233.152
38 neirea,druid 119 3,144.638
39 purple,druid 119 3,144.638
40 kranich,druid 117 3,288.334
41 jab,druid 115 3,303.764
42 hotform,druid 117 3,328.829
43 kno,druid 118 3,335.305
44 lifecoach,druid 116 3,487.367
45 notomorrow,druid 119 3,573.480
46 pinpingho,druid 114 3,616.308
47 lovecx,druid 120 3,629.818
48 zoro,druid 123 3,667.808

So the most novel deck (within the tournament) is Lifecoach's Warlock while the most conventional is Zoro's Druid. As a crude metric let's compare the mana curve of Lifecoach's deck to the other Warlocks.

wlock <- subset(hearth, Deck.Class=='warlock')
ggplot(wlock, aes(x=Player.Name, y=Mana, fill=Player.Name)) + geom_violin()

Very different with that investment in high mana cards. Let's also compare the druids

druid <- subset(hearth, Deck.Class=='druid')
ggplot(druid, aes(x=Player.Name, y=Mana, fill=Player.Name)) + geom_violin()

Much more uniform, which is probably why we see a lot more druids towards the top of the conventionality ratings.

Since these ratings have passed the initial sanity test let's see how they relate to success within the tournament.

player.ref <- cbind(player.ref, colsplit(player.ref$player.combo, ',', c('Player.Name', 'Deck')))
player.ref<- left_join(player.ref, player.details)

## Joining by: c("player.name", "wins", "location")

player.conv<-ddply(player.ref, 'Player.Name', summarize, 
      wins = max(wins),
      tot.mana = sum(total.mana),
      location = max(as.character(location)))

ggplot(player.conv, aes(x=wins, y=tot.convention, color=tot.mana, label=Player.Name)) +  geom_text(size=4) + xlab('Wins') + ylab('Conventionality (all decks)') + scale_colour_continuous(name = "Total Mana (all decks)", low='dodger blue', high='red') + geom_smooth()

## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using loess. Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.

There is a clear trend towards more novel decks also winning more. HOWEVER it isn't statistically significant, so it may be that these results are due to chance. This is in part due to the small sample (16 players), so if anyone has a big database of decks and win rates let me know! Might be fun to test this technique in a more robust setting.

This analysis has a number of limitations. I didn't take the time to pull the head to head match ups to see if novel or conventional decks one at each round. Additionally a lot of the statistics are aggregated upwards to the player or deck level instead of looking at the micro-interactions between pairs or triads of cards. Still, I hope it has provided some insight and hopefully it will help me (and others) player a little better.

So there we have it. My Hearthstone win rate hasn't gotten much better but this was a fun little exploration into the decks being used by the best of the best. I highly doubt I'll ever be at that level but these results are encouraging as my play style so far has been to mess with odd or unusual deck compositions. Who knows maybe I'll find a killer combo or build and start climbing the ladder. Until then I'll see you in the 15-20 ranks.
